Make an appointment 630-859-0471
"My dog Omen is an 11 year old Border Collie who developed arthritis in his hips about 2 years ago. We tried laser treatments, underwater treadmills and pain killers. Nothing seemed to work well or have long lasting effects. I decided to try Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and a new diet. He now acts like he did when he was much younger. If you have any doubts, put them aside and try Acupuncture with Dr. Judy. It really is like a miracle. Thank you Dr. Judy!" B.G - Naperville
Why choose Acupuncture?
Acupuncture helps the body heal itself by balancing the deficiency states that exist in disease. It can be used to treat multiple problems at the same time (great for elderly patients), all with NO SIDE EFFECTS! It helps relieve pain by stimulating blood flow to diseased areas and helps tissues heal. It stregthens the immune system and has anti-inflammatory effects.
Acupuncture can be used to treat problems traditional western medicine has no treatment for, or the treatment doesn't work well (especially neurologic problems).
Acupuncture is great for arthritis, hip and elbow dysplasia, hindleg weakness, back or neck problems, Intervertebral Disk Disease, parlysis, seizures, kidney disease, vomiting and diarrhea, allergies, storm phobias, Doggie Alzheimers, lack or appetite and Degenerative Myelopathy.
We offer Dry Needle Acupuncture, Electro Acupuncture, Laser Acupuncture (NEEDLE FREE) and Aqua Acupuncture.
Herbal Medications
Herbal medications have been used to heal people and animals for centuries. Dr. Judy can choose can herbal prescription for your pet based on the Chinese Medical diagnosis. Herbs can be combined with traditional medications or used as the primary form of therapy. Heal your pet naturally with herbs!
Honey Boo Boo is free of back pain and able to walk again thanks to Acupuncture. She suffers from Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD). IVDD is a common problem in Dachshund, Beagle, Bassett Hound, Corgi, Doberman, French Bulldog, Miniature Poodle and Pekingese.
Dakota is having acupuncture for his arthritis pain and ruptured cruciate ligament.
How can you tell if your pet is in pain? Check out this video with Dr. Judy McBeth
This kitty is having laser acupuncture for arthritis. NEEDLE FREE ! Acupuncture is an excellent way to relieve pain in cats with arthritis. Cats cannot take many Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
Buddy is having Acupuncture and Laser Therapy for severe arthritis pain. These two treatment methods can be combined. Click here to check out Laser Therapy.
Genevieve is chillin' during her Acupuncture session with Dr. Judy. She loves the belly rubs that come with it!
"In December of 2020 Frisky, our male Shih Tzu, and an important member of our family had a terrible accident. Frisky was laying on the bed, jumped off the bed and landed on his front paws and neck. The next morning Frisky could not move or walk. He was totally immobilized. We took him to our Veterinarian (Bethany Animal Hospital) where X-rays and blood work were done. Due to the traumatic nature of his injury we took him to VCA Arboretum View Animal Hospital in Downer's Grove for a MRI of his spine. The MRI cost was high, but we decided to go ahead with the testing because Frisky (at over 10 yrs of age) was an important part of our family and still had so much life to live. The MRI found marked spinal cord compression at C2-C3. Surgery was recommended, but we thought it would be too much for him at his advanced age. We brought Frisky to Dr Judy McBeth at Fox Ridge Veterinary Clinic for Acupuncture. Acupuncture helped the damaged nerves heal and Frisky fought for 3 months to overcome his injury. When Frisky began moving better we took him for Physical Therapy at Canine Physical Rehab. With the combination of Acupuncture and Physical Therapy Frisky began walking normally again! Frisky has so much more energy now, and is even more vocal! We are forever grateful for the Veterinarians and Physical Therapists who helped our Frisky walk again!" J.D - Sycamore, IL
Frisky relaxing during an Electroacupuncture treatment with Dr Judy McBeth
Frisky is enjoying his workout on the underwater treadmill at Canine Physical Rehab
Stanley the Doxie can walk again after being paralyzed in his hind legs due to Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD)! The Vet at the ER said he would never walk again unless he had surgery. Luckily, Stanley's Mom got a second opinion! Stanley was treated with traditional medications (Prednisone, Gabapentin, and Cosequin). He had Acupuncture with Dr Judy, Physical Therapy and Assisi Loop treatments. He also had lots of TLC from his loving family. Check out the video of his progress!
Rosie is snoozing through an Electroacupuncture session for treatment of Degenerative Myelopathy (DM). DM is similar to ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease in humans. Electroacupuncture helps keep her mobile as long as possible.
The Assisi Loop is a non-invasive NPAID (Non-pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory device) that uses targeted pulsed electromagnetic field microcurrents (tPEMF) to speed healing and reduce pain. The technology is FDA cleared and is also used in human health.
The Assisi Loop can be used to treat aging animals with arthritis, orthopedic injuries, neurologic problems like disk disease (IVDD), post-surgical pain and swelling, inflammatory conditions and wounds.
Benefits of the Assisi Loop include it can be used to treat any animal, can penetrate casts or bandages, and is excellent for patients that cannot tolerate NSAIDS. It is a great complement to alternative therapies like acupuncture and Laser Therapy.