What in the world is ozone therapy and how can it help my pet?
Ozone increases oxygen levels in the cells, stimulates anti-inflammatory pathways and helps pets feel better.

Protect your dog's paws this winter
Winter can be hard on your dog's paws. Can you imagine walking around barefoot through the cold, salty slush we deal with every winter? ...

How to safely use Essential Oils for Pets
Essential oils have been used for centuries to treat many different problems. The three wise men brought baby Jesus gifts of gold,...

How to make a pet first aid kit
"Be prepared" isn't just the Girl Scout motto. It's good advice! Have your pet first aid kit ready before you have an emergency, and...

Hip Dysplasia and Arthritis in Pets
Hip Dysplasia is a painful genetic problem in dogs and cats. Hip Dysplasia causes the hip to not sit in the socket properly, and over...

Why bother running a fecal on my pet?
We are going to discuss the nasty topic of fecal exams today. I know it isn't pleasant to have to bring a fecal sample along with your...