Make an appointment 630-859-0471
Past Events
Essential Oils and our pets
We discussed the most popular Essential Oils for pets, what they are used for and how to use them safely. We also discussed the basics of Essential Oils as well as presented some do-it-yourself recipes to take home.
Presented by Julie Folger and Dr. Judy
Saturday April 28, 2018
2:30 - 4:00 PM.
Fox Ridge Vet Clinic Lobby
Dr Judy was invited to speak on pet first aid and essential oils for pets.
We also met some great folks at our vendor booth!
Pet Food Drive
Our 2018 holiday Pet Food Drive collected the following for Spay It Forward Feline Rescue:
198 lbs dry food
177 cans cat food
20 containers treats
fleece blankets, cat beds, cash donations.
We collected the following for Kendall County Community Food Pantry - Pet Food Division:
43 lbs dry food
96 cans dog food
8 containers of treats
Cash donations
Dr Judy presented a class on Pet First Aid April 27, 2019 at the Aurora Public Library.