How to make a pet first aid kit

"Be prepared" isn't just the Girl Scout motto. It's good advice! Have your pet first aid kit ready before you have an emergency, and there just isn't enough time to drive to the drug store.
Most of the pet first aid kit contents can be purchased at your favorite drug store. The contents of the first aid kit can also be used for humans too!
Have the following things ready :
Hydrogen Peroxide - 3% - used to induce vomiting in dogs
Digital Fever Thermometer
Vaseline or KY Jelly
Muzzle for dogs (a necktie can be used if you don't have a muzzle)
A thick blanket or board to use as a stretcher
Gauze pads and gauze wrap
Vet Wrap / Cohesive bandage tape
Adhesive tape
Styptic powder / clotting powder
Nonstick bandages - Telfa pads
Antibiotic Ointment - Neosporin or triple antibiotic
Bandage Scissors
Benadryl - Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride
Antiseptic Solution - Povidone Iodine or Chlorhexedine
Turkey baster or syringe
Saline solution - (the kind used to rinse contact lenses)
Nail trimmers
Tick removal tool - tweezers or forceps
Cotton Balls
Ear cleaning solution
Program your phone with your Vet's phone number and closest emergency clinic phone number. Know how to get to the Emergency Clinic if you have never been there before. It is well worth your time to drive by and see how long it takes to get there.
Other helpful numbers are the Pet Poison Control Numbers:
ASPCA Animal Poison Control - 1-888-426-4435
Pet Poison Helpline - 1-855-764-7661
The Pet Poison Control centers are very helpful. They have data bases of thousands of different toxins to pets, antidotes and treatment protocols. They are fee based helplines, so have your credit card ready. Their websites are also great sources of information.
Want to learn how to help your pet in case of an emergency? Please attend the Pet First Aid Class Dr. Judy McBeth is teaching at Waubonsee Community College. The class is open to everyone! Topics discussed include bandage application, wound care, placing muzzles and "cones of shame", seizures, choking, CPR for pets, eye injuries, proptosed globes, insect stings, and how to make your pet vomit if they swallow something harmful. The class will be held Saturday March 18, 2017 at 2:00 PM in room 194 of the Academic and Professional Center ( Sugar Grove Campus ). Class fee is $25.00. To register, please call Waubonsee Community College at 630-466-2360.